Page:Poems Follen.djvu/194

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little roland.
"The peasant drinks from the running brook;
On apples she may dine:
My mother must have fish and game,
For her is the foaming wine."

"Is thy mother such a noble dame
As thou, my boy, dost boast,—
Then, surely, has she a castle fair,
And of vassals a stately host.

"Tell me, who may her sewer be?
And who cup-bearer too?"
"My own right hand her sewer is;
My left, cup-bearer true."

"Tell on; who are her faithful guards?"
"My two blue eyes alway."
"Tell on; who is her minstrel free?"
"My rosy mouth, I say."

"Brave servants has the dame, indeed;
But does strange livery choose,—
Made up of colors manifold,
Shining with rainbow hues."

"From each quarter of the city,
With eight boys I have fought:
Four sorts of cloth to the conqueror,
As tribute, they have brought."