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Page:Poems Henderson.djvu/49

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Once, through the infinitude of starry splendor,I gazed, till leaping pulses seemed to cease;Till through the immeasurability of space,The separated soul released,From bond of mortal pain, and sore desire,Did hang entranced above Earth's circle round,And view through Heaven's immortal lenses,Peoples, and kingdoms, of the great world's bound.Storms and earth-quakes far below me,Raged, and held their mighty sway,And the awed eyes of mortals lifted,Shone dim through cloudy spray.
The lights and shadows of the dim world blended,Into that sea that men call Time,Empires rose, and fell confounded,Controlled by Avarice and Crime.And men, their fellows e'er oppressing,Built high-walled towers, and prison cells,And reared great domes wherein to worship,The while their souls did harbor hells.