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Page:Poems Henderson.djvu/50

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The planets, in the thin air folded,Too, held their peopled spaces high,And creatures like to Earth's went roaming,Through their immensity of sky.
Save that there dwelt no pain among them,No lifted hand its brother smote,No tyrant throned above his fellows,Clutched at his kinsman's throat.Ambition, Fame, and Victory fell,Like bubbles floating on the expansive flood,And banners waved, and God's green valleys,Ran deep with human blood.
All elements of sky and earth,Imprisoned lay in His great hand,And upper worlds in ether vanished,Or peopled, grew at His command.Earth's surface deep with rifted fissures,Shot forth triumphant tongues of flame,That gathering power through shifting ages,Roared, and seethed, and groaned in pain.Waiting the hour, when its own strength consuming,All Earth should quiver at her base,And men, and centuries, should vanish,In Dissolution's fierce embrace.
But He, the unfathomed Mystery of thought,Sat throned, all firmaments above,The heavenly bow of beauty shining,With suns and planets far below;