Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/233

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I have long sought a harbor of refuge
But no morning shall dawn upon me.

For oh! I have left them behind me
The harbors I once hoped to gain
I shall never return, but float onward
'Till I sink in the fathomless main.
Once I sailed on a sea of rare beauty
Where no cold, piercing wind ever blew,
Where the warm sunbeams kissed the blue wavelets
And the storm-clouds were transient and few;

But I longed at some harbor to anchor
And float no more on the swift tide,
To find some bright haven of pleasure
And there in contentment abide.
And many I passed on my journey,
And they looked like the Eden of old;
But not for me could they blossom
Or their marvelous wonders unfold;

And I've given up, long ago, hoping
For a beautiful sylvan retreat
With the pearls of affection 'round me strewn
And the roses of bliss at my feet;
For the contrary winds of trouble
Have borne my barque far away
From the sea, Hope's beautiful, sunlit sea,
Where the shores of happiness lay."

She paused, and the angel answered,
In a voice so silvery clear:
"O woman! listen to what I say
And wreck not thy life barque here,
For out on this ocean of darkness
Beneath the storm-king's frown,
I have watched with emotions of horror
Millions of ships go down.

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