Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/234

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For they trusted not in the light-house
Nor believed in another shore
Where all tempest-tossed, their barques might land
So they sank to rise no more
Despond not, O woman! look beyond
On the wave a gleam is shed
From the light-house whose beams flood with glory
A haven that lieth ahead."

She looked where the angel pointed
And a radiance lit up her face
And she said: "O beautiful angel,
Where is that happy place?"
"Come with me," spake the angel,
"Fear not the dashing spray
Follow the gleam from the light-house
It cannot be far away;

And if through the light and shadow
Onward, right onward you steer,
Soon bathed in a sunlight of glory
The haven of rest will appear.
Onward to join in its music,
Onward its glories to share;
I was sent from that beautiful refuge,
Was sent to guide thee, there."

And calm on the breast of the billows
Through the shades of the twilight gray,
I watched with unwavering interest
The little barque glide away;
As mingled with murmuring of waters
The voice of the shining one, said:
"O, trust in the strong, faithful light-house
For the haven that lieth ahead!"

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