Page:Poems Rossetti.djvu/365

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Yea, since your riches make me rich, conceive
I too am crowned, while bridal crowns I weave,
And thread the bridal dance with jocund pace.
For if I did not love you, it might be
That I should grudge you some one dear delight;
  But since the heart is yours that was mine own,
Your pleasure is my pleasure, right my right,
Your honourable freedom makes me free,
  And you companioned I am not alone.


"E drizzeremo gli occhi al Primo Amore.—Dante.
"Ma trovo peso non da le mie braccia."—Petrarca.

If I could trust mine own self with your fate,
Shall I not rather trust it in God's hand?
Without Whose Will one lily doth not stand,
Nor sparrow fall at his appointed date;
Who numbereth the innumerable sand,
Who weighs the wind and water with a weight,
To Whom the world is neither small nor great,
Whose knowledge foreknew every plan we planned.
Searching my heart for all that touches you,
I find there only love and love's goodwill
Helpless to help and impotent to do,
   Of understanding dull, of sight most dim;
   And therefore I commend you back to Him
  Whose love your love's capacity can fill.