Page:Poems Shore.djvu/132

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The Countess, Olga, &c., and the same Young Men
  who were at the ball, and other Students and

Countess. [To Ilma, a lady companion.]
Where is she gone on those wild wings of hers?
Couldst thou not stay her?
Couldst thou not stay her?Ilma.Lady, no; my bird,
When I would catch her, flits beyond my reach,
And sings defiance.
And sings defiance.Count.Oh these daughters! Where
Is she now, Ilma?
Is she now, Ilma?Ilma.Where her laughter rings
Against the jingle of the sleighing bells,
Driving her frantic steeds beneath the stars,
Chased by a crowd of lovers wild as she.
Count. As reckless and as heartless—is she mine,
This strange young daughter? such a soft sweet rose
Of love and goodness till this fatal time.

[Olga is introduced on this occasion to the body of
  Conspirators by Dimitri, to whom she has given
  her final assent