Page:Poems Shore.djvu/133

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Olga. I trust you, and will follow you for ever.
Dim. Then I will bring you to the brother- hood,
Whose watchword is—while tyrants live and reign—
"Death to the tyrant and his tyranny."
"Death to the tyrant and his tyranny."Ivan.Fair Olga,
Believe him not, he makes a jest of you.
We are not here for such grave purposes—
Dimitri never makes a jest of me.
Olga. For what, then, are you met?
Dimitri never makes a jest of me.Ivan.To try the speed
And courage of our horses—'tis for us
As grave a matter as for you, fair dames,
Your rivalry in dress. These jangling bells
Are our dance music, and this frozen flood
Our ball-room.
Our ball-room.Dim.Cease, you will not cheat her so.

A brave and devoted young conspirator has been condemned to death. The brotherhood has had an anonymous letter conveyed to the Czar's hands setting forth the advantage of showing mercy to the youth, but in vain. A second time they write, threatening vengeance. This step is answered by his immediate execution. The next scene is a masked ball. To