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List of Books



Published by John Lane

The Bodley Head


Adams (Francis).
Essays in Modernity. Crown 8vo. 5s. net.[Shortly.
A Child of the Age.. (See Keynotes Series.)
A. E.
Homeward Songs by the Way. Sq. 16mo, wrappers. 15. 6d. net. Transferred to the present Publisher. [Second Edition.
Aldrich (T. B.)
Later Lyrics. Sm. Fcap. 8vo. 25. 6d. net.
Allen (Grant).
The Lower Slopes
A Volume of Verse. With Title-page and Cover Design by J. Illingworth Kay. Crown 8vo. 55. net.
The Woman Who Did. (See Keynote Series.)
The British Barbarians. (See Keynote Series.)
Arcady Library (The).
A Series of Open-Air Books Edited by J. S. Fletcher. With Cover Designs by Patten Wilson. Each volume crown 8vo. 58. net.
I. Round About a Brighton Coach Office. By Maude Egerton King with over 30 Illustrations by Lucy Kemp-Welch.
II. Life in Acadia. By J.S. Fletcher. Illustrated by Patten Wilson
Arcady Library (The)—cont.
III. Scholar Gipsies. By John Buchan. With 7 full-page Etchings by D. Y. Cameron.
The following is in preparation:
IV. In the Garden of Peace. By Helen Mieman. With Illustrations by Edmund N. New
Beeching (Rev. H. C.).
In a Garden: Poems. With Title-page designed by Roger Fry. Crown 8vo. 55. net.
St. Augustine at Ostia. Crown 5vo, wrappers. 1s. net.
Beerbohm (Max).
The Works of Max Beerbohm. With a Bibliography by John Lane. Sq. 16mo. 4s. 6d. net.
Benson (Arthur Christopher)
Lyrics. Fcap. 5vo, buckram. 5s. net.
Lord Yvet and other Poems, Fcap. 8vo. 3. 6d. net.
Bodley Head Anthologies (The).
Edited by Robert H. Case. With Title-page and Cover Designs by Walter West. Each volume crown 8vo. 55. net.
I. English Epithalamies. By Robert H. Case.