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Bodley Head Anthologies (The)—continued.
II. Musa Piscateix. By John Buchan. With 6 Etchings by E. Philip Pilott.
III. English Elegies. By John C Bailey.
IV. English Satires. By Chas. Hill Dick.
Bridges (Robert).
Suppressed Chapters and others Bookishness. Crown 8vo. 3. 6d. net. [Second Edition
Brotherton (Mary).
Rosemary for Remebrance. With Title-page and Cover Design by Walter West. Fcap. 8vo. 35. 6d. net.
Crackanthorpe (Hubert).
Vignettes. A Miniature Journal of Whim and Sentiment. Fcap. 5vo, boards. 2s. 6d. net.
Crane (Walter).
Toy Booкs. Re-issue, each with new Cover Design and End Papers.
This Little Pig's Picture Book, containing:
I. This Little Pig.
II. The Fairy Ship.
III. King Luckieboy's Party.
The three bound in one volume with a decorative cloth cover, end papers, and a newly written and designed preface and title-page. 35. 6d. net; separately 9d. net each.
Mother Hubbard's Picture Book, containing:
I. Mother Hubbard's.
II. The Three Bears.
III. The Absurd A. B. C.
The three bound in one volume with a decorative cloth cover, end papers, and a newly written and designed preface and title-page. 35. 6d. net; separately 9d. net each.
Custance (Olive).
First Fruits: Poems. Fcap. 8vo. 35. 6d. net.
Dalmon (C. W.).
Song Favours. With a Title-page by J. P. Donne. Sq. 16mo. 35. 6d. net.
Davidson (John).
Plays: An Unhistorical Pastoral; A Romantic Farce; Bruce, a Chronicle Play; Smith, a Tragic Farce; Scaramouch in Naxos, a Pantomime. With a Frontispiece and Cover Design by Aubrey Beardsley. Small 4vo. 7s. 6d. net.
Fleet Street Eclogues. Fcap 8vo, buckram. 4s. 6d. net.[Third Edition.
Fleet Street Ecluges. 2nd Series. Fcap. 8vo, buckram. 45. 6d. net. [Second Edition.
A Random Itinerary and a Ballad. With a Frontispiece and Title-page by Laurence Housman. Fcap. 8vo, Irish Linen. 5s. net.
Ballads and Songs. With a Titlepage and Cover Design by Walter West. Fcap. 8vo, buckram. 58. net.[Fourth Edition.
New Ballads. Fcap. 8vo, buckram. 4s. 6d. net.
De Tabley (Lord)
Poems, Dramatic and Lyrical. By John Leicester Warren (Lord de Tabley). Illustrations and Cover Design by C. S. Ricketts. Crown 5vo. 75. 6d. net.[Third Edition.
Poems, Dramatic and Lyrical. Second Series, uniform in binding with the former volume. Crown 8vo. 5s. net.
Duer (Caroline, and Alice).
Poems. Fcap. 8vo. 35. 6d. net.
Egerton (George)
Keynotes. (See Keynotes Series.)
Discords. (See Keynotes Series.)
Young Ofeg's Ditties. A transla tion from the Swedish of Ola Hansson. With Title-page and Cover Design by Aubrey Beardsley. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. net.
Symphonies. [In preparation.