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Lane's Library-continued.
The following are in preparation:
IV. Broken Away. By Beatrice Grimshaw.
V. Richard Larch. By E. A. Bennett.
VI. The Duke of Linden. By Joseph F. Charles.
Leather (R. K.).
Verses. 250 copies. Fcap. 5vo. 35. net. [Transferred to the present Publisher.
Lefroy (Edward Cracroft.)
Poems. With a Memoir by W. A. Gill, and a reprint of Mr. J. A. Symonds' Critical Essay on "Echoes from Theocritus." Cr. 8vo. Photogravure Portrait. 5s. net.
Le Gallienne (Richard).
Prosk Fancies. With Portrait of the Author by Wilson Steer. Crown 8vo. Purple cloth. 5s. net. [Fourth Edition.
Also a limited large paper edition. 12s. 6d. net.
The Book Bills of Narcissus, An Account rendered by Richard Le Gallienne. With a Frontispiece, Crown Bvo, purple cloth. 3s. 6d. net. [Third Edition.
Also 90 copies on large paper. 8vo. 10s. 6d. net.
Robert Louis Stevenson, an Elegy, and Other Poems, Manly Personal, With Etched Title-page by D. Y. CAMERON. Crown 8vo, purple cloth. 4s. 6d. net.
Also 25 copies on large paper, 8vo 12s.
English Poems. Crown 8vo, purple cloth. 45. 6d. net.[Fourth Edition, revised.
George Meredith: Some Characteristics. With a Bibliography (much enlarged) by John Lane, portrait, &c. Crown 8vo, purplecloth. 5s. 6d. net.[Fourth Edition.
Le Gallienne (Richard)—continued.
The Religion of a Literary Man. Crown 8vo, purple cloth. 3s. 6d. net. [Fifth Thousand.
Also a special rubricated edition on hand-made paper. 8vo. 10s, 6d, net.
{Retrospective Reviews, a Literary Log, 1891-1895.}} 2 vols. Crown 8vo, purple cloth. 9s. net.
Prose Fancies (Second Series). Crown 8vo, Purple cloth. 5s. net.
The Quest of the Golden Girl. Crown 8vo. 5s. net.[In preparation.
See also Hazlitt, Walton and {Cotton.
Lowry (H. D.).
Make Believe. Illustrated by Charles Robinson. Crown 8vo, gilt edges or uncut. 5s. net.
Women's Tragedies (See Keynote Series)
Lucas (Winifred).
{Units}}: Poems. Fcap. 8vo. 3s. 6d. net.
Lynch (Hannah).
The Great Galeoto and Folly or Saintliness. Two Plays, from the Spanish of José Echegaray, with an Introduction. Small 4to. 55. 6d. net.
Marzials (Theo.).
The Gallery of Pigeons and Other Poems. Past 8vo. 4s. 6d. net. [Transferred to the present Publisher.
The Mayfair Set.
Each volume Fcap. 8vo. 3s. 6d. net.
I. The Autobiography of a Boy. Passages selected by his friend G. S. Street. With a Title-page designed by C. W. Furse. [Fifth Edition.
II. The Joneses and the Asterisks. A Story in Monologue. By Gerald Campbell With a Title-page and 6 Illustrations by F. H. Townsend. [Second Edition.