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The Mayfair Set—continued.
III. Select Conversations with an Uncle, now Extinct. By {H. G. Wells. With a Title-page by F. H. Townsend.
IV. For Plain Women Only. By George Fleming. With a Title-page by Patten Wilson.
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VI. Mrs. Albert Grundy: Observations in Philistia. By Harold Frederic. With a Title-page by Patten Wilson. [Second Edition.
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Money-Coutts (F. B.).
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Nesbit (E.).
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25 special large paper copies containing proof impressions of the portraits signed by the artist, £6 6s net.
Peters (Wm. Theodore).
Posies out of Rings. With Title-page by Patten Wilson, Sq. 16mo. 2s. 6d. net.