Page:Poems Smith.djvu/118

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May your life be joyous, beautiful, bright,
Few clouds o'ershadow thy pathway light.
May the beauty of thy heart remain,
Until at last you heaven gain.

Farewell, dear girl: these lines by me
Are written in kindest love to thee.
Adieu, and may you happy be;
And sometimes kindly think of me.


Forget not, Anna, as years roll round,
Thy kind and loving mother.
Lips can not utter a sweeter sound:
Wilt thou ever this remember?

Mine has passed from earth away,—
My own, my darling mother;
But I hope to meet some day,
In spirit-love, remember.

Thou 'It not forget we're growing old,
And ever love thy mother:
Never let thy heart grow cold,—
'Twould grieve her, thou'lt remember,