Page:Poems Smith.djvu/119

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Now that her youth has pass'd and fled,
Ever cherish thy loving mother.
Should any unkind word be said,
'Twould grieve her, thou'lt remember.

We all possess a tender heart,
And fondly love our mother.
Bitter wrongs rend love apart,—
Joy thrills the heart, remember.

When coldness chills a loving heart,
We flee unto our mother;
Though it takes from love its better part,
We grieve while we remember.

Beneath any crushing weight of woe,
Those who have a loving mother
To cheer them under the cruel blow,
She'll cling to us, remember.

Adieu, sweet Anna, fare thee well.
Let us love and cherish mother.
Forget me not. No pen can tell
How much we love, remember.