Page:Poems Smith.djvu/141

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Ah, well do I remember,—
For how can I forget
One moonlight eve of summer,
When first by chance we met
On the loveliest isle that sparkles
In our own blue native sea,—
'Tis a chain that binds me ever
To loving thoughts of thee.

Ah, well do I remember,—
For how can I forget?
Those moonlight eves of summer
Though past, I may regret:
For we have met and parted,—
Each to go our separate way,—
'Tis a thought that lingers ever,
And the past recalls to-day.

Ah, well do I remember,—
For how can I forget?
Fond memories of my girlhood
Twine round my heartstrings yet:
And still the heart doth oft recall
Fond thoughts of youthful days,
When love's sweet flower was budding
Beneath its springtime rays.