Page:Poems Smith.djvu/142

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Ah, well do I remember,—
For how can I forget?
Though fled, forgotten never,
Until life's sun doth set:
While fancy often lingers
O'er the happy, blissful past,—
O'er the days when I so merry
Thought joy and love would last.

Ah, well do I remember,—
For I have ne'er forgot:
Those balmy eves of summer
Have left a fragrant spot;
For memory often wanders,—
In fancy again I tread
Those blissful days all over,
And sigh that they have fled.

Ah, well do I remember,—
For how can I forget
Those moonlight eves of summer,
When so often I have set
Within the mellow gloaming
Of the twilight's gentle hour,
With many a dearly loved one,
That I'll see again no more.