Page:Poems Toke.djvu/220

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SAVE me, O God, in Thee I trust,
My soul to Thee did say,
Thou art my Lord, my righteousness
Extendeth not to Thee,
But to the saints, who still on earth
Show forth their shining light,
Yea, to the blessed, the excellent,
In whom is my delight.

Still sorrows shall increase to those
Who bow a willing knee
To earthly gods; but I will own
No other Lord but Thee.
Oh yes! Thou art my portion still,
Along mine earthly way,
The joy that crowns my cup of life,
And turns my night to day.

In pleasant lands my lot is cast.
My heritage is blest;
And I will praise the Lord my light,
Who guides me on to rest.
I've set my God before me still,
Yea, He is ever near;
And while His arm is my defence,
I shall not move or fear.