Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/91

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Several Occasions.
In fiery Storms descends a murd'rous Show'r,
Thick flash the Lightnings, fierce the Thunders roar:
As when in wrathful mood Almighty Jove,
Aims his dire Bolts red-hissing from above;
Thro' the sing'd Air, with unresisted sway,
The forky Vengeance rends its flaming way;
And while the Firmament with Thunder roars,
From their Foundations hurls imperial Tow'rs;
So rush the Globes with many a fiery Round,
Tear up the Rock, or rend the stedfast Mound:
Death shakes aloft her Dart, and o'er her Prey
Stalks with dire Joy, and marks in Blood her Way;
Mountains of Heroes slain deform the Ground,
The Shape of Man half bury'd in the Wound;
And lo! while in the Shock of War they close,
While Swords meet Swords, and Foes encounter Foes,
The treacherous Earth beneath their Footsteps cleaves,
Her Entrails tremble, and her Bosom heaves;
