Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/92

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Poems on
Sudden in Bursts of Fire Eruptions rise,
And whirl the torn Battalions to the Skies.

Thus Earthquakes rumbling with a thund'ring Sound,
Shake the firm World, and rend the cleaving Ground,
Rocks, Hills, and Groves are toft into the Sky,
And in one mighty Ruin Nations die.

See! thro' th'encumber'd Air the pond'rous Bomb
Bears Magazines of Death within its Womb,
The glowing Orb displays a blazing Train,
And darts bright Horrour thro' th' Ethereal Plain;
It mounts tempestuous, and with hideous Sound
Wheels down the Heav'ns, and thunders o'er the Ground:
Th' imprison'd Deaths rush dreadful in a blaze,
And mow a thousand Lives, a thousand Ways;
