Page:Poet Lore, volume 31, 1920.djvu/54

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Zuzanka.—Lock the door so he cannot enter.

Kinský.—Then we surely would be lost. Quickly, this way! (Points to the wardrobe door.)

Zuzanka.—We will hide you!

Polyxena.—Where can I go?

Zuzanka.—Step in here for the present, and do not expose yourself. (Pointing to the wardrobe.) I will be responsible for you.

(Polyxena slips into the wardrobe, Kinský closing the door after her. Then Zuzanka closes the door leading from the right.)

Zuzanka (Seating herself).—Let us be composed.

Kinský (As though continuing their conversation).—It seems to me that it will be useless to wait any longer. (Rozmberk and Bilent enter the room.)

Scene IV

Rozmberk, Bilent, Zuzanka, Kinský

Zuzanka.—The master has finally come. You allowed us to wait a long time. (Bilent walks off to the laboratory.)

Rozmberk.—I did not expect to keep you waiting.

Kinský.—I have come to request Your Grace for a short interview. I take it that I need not place any faith in the statement made to me a short time ago by Mr. Bilent. You were doubtless preoccupied and I irritated you at an inopportune moment.

Rozmberk.—Not at all. I never allow myself to be irritated by my friends. You are as dear to me now, my brother, as you formerly were, and happen what may, nothing must touch our friendship.

Kinský.—Do not complete the second half, Rozmberk, but keep good faith with me with these words.

Rozmberk.—I will not finish, since that is your request, and it pleases me only too well that the conversation regarding this subject need not be continued.

Zuzanka.—Then our guest may still feel that the answer you gave him in the garden is binding and a final one.

Rozmberk.—Bilent informed Mr. Kinský of my final decision.

Kinský.—But I still hope the decision is not a final one, and that you are willing to weigh the matter from every point of view.

Rozmberk.—Sir, you have heard my decision. I will never become an ally to gain the measures for which the archduke is striving. (Kinský starts uneasily.) That is my reply.