Page:Poet Lore, volume 31, 1920.djvu/55

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Kinský.—If I have lost all which I was led to believe I had gained, make at least one promise which your interest demands.

Rozmberk.—And what is that?

Kinský.—Matthias will surely win. If not at once, as we hoped to do with your aid, surely he will do so in a very short time. If you will not align yourself with Matthias, then at least withdraw your aid from Rudolf.

Rozmberk (Waving him away).—Any further decision I must be free to make by myself. (Goes to Kinský and takes him by the hand.) As long as you desire to remain, you my brother shall be be a dear and welcome guest at Třebon. (Kinský bows to Rozmberk and Zuzanka, at whom he looks meaningly, and walks away.)

Scene V

Rozmberk and Zuzanka

Zuzanka (In a flattering manner).—You have just refused to grant a favor, and I was coming to ask for one.

Rozmberk.—What can I do to gratify you?

Zuzanka.—Gratify! Formerly you used to ask me what you might do to win my love!

Rozmberk (Good naturedly).—Aj, you surely are not complaining?

Zuzanka.—I no longer merely suspect,—I now know beyond a doubt that your love belongs to another.

Rozmberk (Stirring uneasily, to himself).—How much does she know? (Aloud) What news have you for me? I notice that a thundercloud is appearing upon that smooth white brow of yours, and I fear the flashes of lightning which may soon strike all about me.

Zuzanka.—No, not around you, Mr. Vok, not at all. They are aimed at you directly, and they must not miss their aim.

Rozmberk.—Then I only pray they may be somewhat less destructive than they are wont to be. What would become of me if one of them should strike and fell me.

Zuzanka.—There will be many of them, not only one!

Rozmberk.—Cruel one, you desire nothing but my death! But I know away. Go, and let them strike, release them all, but through the medium of your wonderful eyes. As they flash through those moist depths, their fatal power will be destroyed!