Page:Points of friction.djvu/123

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The Cheerful Clan

mists write delusive papers on "Happiness as a Business Asset." Reforming optimists who, ten years ago, bade us rejoice over the elimination of war,—"save on the outskirts of civilization," now bid us rejoice over the elimination of alcohol,—save on the tables of the rich. Old-fashioned optimists, like Mr. Horace Fletcher, put faith in the "benevolent intentions" of nature,—nature busy with the scorpion's tail. New-fashioned optimists, like Professor Ralph Barton Perry (who may not know how optimistic he is), put faith in the mistrust of nature which has armed the hands of men. Sentimental optimists, the most pervasive of the tribe, blur the fine outlines of life, to see which clearly and bravely is the imperative business of man's soul.

For the world of thought is not one whit more tranquil than the world of action. The man whose "mind to him a kingdom is" wears his crown with as