Page:Points of friction.djvu/124

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Points of Friction

much uneasiness as does a reigning monarch. Giordano Bruno, who had troubles of his own, and who knew by what road they came, commended ignorance as a safeguard from melancholy. If, disregarding this avenue of escape, we look with understanding, and sometimes even with exhilaration, upon the portentous spectacle of life, if we have tempers so flawless that we can hold bad hands and still enjoy the game, then, with the sportsman's relish, will come the sportsman's reward; a reward, be it remembered, which is in the effort only, and has little to do with results.

"Il faut chanter! chanter, même en sachant
Qu'il existe des chants qu'on préfère à son chant."

The generous illusions which noble souls like Emerson's have cherished undismayed are ill-fitted for loose handling. Good may be the final goal of evil, but if we regard evil with a too sanguine eye, it is liable to be thrown out of per-