Page:Points of friction.djvu/53

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Dead Authors

editors and publishers of these revelations lay stress upon the spiritual insight, the finer wisdom, which may accrue to us from direct contact with liberated souls. They even hint at some great moral law which may be thus revealed for our betterment. But the law of Christ is as pure and lofty as any code our human intelligence can grasp. We do not live by it, because it makes no concession to the sickly qualities which cement our earthly natures; but we hold fast to it as an incomparable ideal. It is not law or light we need. It is the power of effort and resistance. "Toutes les bonnes maximes sont dans le monde; on ne manque que de les appliquer."

The didacticism of spirit authors is, so far, their most striking characteristic. As Mr. Henry James would put it, they are "awkward writers, but yearning moralists." Free from any shadow of diffidence, they proffer a deal of counsel,