Page:Points of friction.djvu/54

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Points of Friction

but it is mostly of the kind which our next-door neighbour has at our command.

In the volume called "Letters from Harry and Helen," the dead children exhort their relatives continuously; and their exhortations, albeit of a somewhat intimate character, have been passed on to the public as "an inspiration to the life of brotherhood." Helen, for example, bids her mother and sister give away the clothes they do not need. "You had better send the pink dress to B. You won't wear it. Lace and a few good bits of jewelry you can use, and these won't hurt your progress." She also warns them not to take long motor rides with large parties. The car holds four comfortably; but if her sister will go all afternoon with five people packed into it, she is sure to be ill. This is sensible advice, but can it be needful that the dead should revisit earth to give it?

Harry, a hardy and boisterous spirit,