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chi in Bactria and the departure of the Sacae for India a chief of the Kushans, one of the tribes of the Yüeh-chi, gained supremacy over the entire group (about a.d. 25–81?) and established a kingdom which became known by the name of his tribe. This king, Kujula Kadphises, rapidly expanded his power over Gandhara, Arachosia, and Kabul at the expense of either Gondopharnes or Pacores. Perhaps the Parthian conquests to which the Chinese sources refer[1] are those of the Kushans in the Indo-Scythian kingdoms; possibly they may indicate attacks on Parthia proper. The second of the Kushan rulers, V'ima Kadphises, ended his reign not long before the accession of Kanishka, whose date has been so long a subject of discussion (a.d. 125?).[2]

  1. Chavannes, "Les pays d'Occident d'après le Heou Han chou," T'oung pao, 2. sér., VIII (1907), 190–92; Wieger, Textes historiques, I, 716 f.
  2. Édouard Specht, "Les Indo-Scythes et l'époque du règne de Kanichka," JA, 9. sér., X (1897), 152–93; Sylvain Lévi, "Note additionnelle sur les Indo-Scythes," ibid., pp. 526–31, tr. into English in Indian Antiquary, XXXIII (1904), 110 ff.; A. M. Boyer, "L'Époque de Kaniṣka," JA, 9. sér., XV (1900), 526–79; H. Oldenberg, "Zwei Aufsätze zur altindischen Chronologie und Literaturgeschichte. 1. Zur Frage nach der Aera des Kaṇiṣka," NGWG, 1911, pp. 427–41, tr. into English in Pali Text Society, Journal, 1910–12, pp. 1–18; J. Kennedy, "The Secret of Kanishka," JRAS, 1912, pp. 665–88 and 981–1019; J. F. Fleet, "The Question of Kanishka," JRAS, 1913, pp. 95–107; Kennedy, "Sidelights on Kanishka," ibid., pp. 369–78; F. W. Thomas, "The Date of Kaniska," ibid., pp. 627–50; discussion by Rapson, Fleet, Kennedy, V. A. Smith, Barnett, Waddell, Dames, Hoey, and Thomas ibid., pp. 911–1042; J. H. Marshall, "The Date of Kanishka," JRAS, 1914, pp. 973–86, with comments by Thomas and Fleet ibid., pp. 987–92. See also bibliography cited by L. de la Vallée-Poussin, L'Inde aux temps des Mauryas, pp. 318–74, and articles by Konow cited on p. 64, n. 30.