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A remnant of the old Saca power existed in the Indus delta for some time. The author of the Periplus speaks of the "Parthians" as still in control there and describes the struggles of the various petty chiefs for supremacy.[1]

  1. Periplus 38; J. W. McCrindle, "Anonymi [Arriani ut fertur] Peri­plus Maris Erythraei," Indian Antiquary, VIII (1879), 107–51; J. Kennedy, "Some Notes on the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea," JRAS, 1916, pp. 829–37; W. H. Schoff, "As to the Date of the Periplus," JRAS, 1917. pp. 827–30; J. Kennedy, "Eastern Kings Contemporary with the Periplus" JRAS, 1918, pp. 106–14.