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from three main sources: from Pannonia (veterans of the Dacian Wars); from the garrisons and regular legions of Egypt; from the legions ordinarily stationed in Palestine and Syria.[1] Though undoubtedly our information on the forces of Trajan is still far from complete, we know that four of the eastern legions were used, with at least part of a fifth. These were the IV Scythica[2] and the VI Ferrata[3] from Syria, the X Fretensis[4] and at least a part of the III Cyrenaica[5] from Judea, and the XVI Flavia Firma from Commagene.[6] Other legions which may possibly have served are the I Adiutrix, II Traiana Fortis, VII Claudia,[7] XI Claudia, XV Apollinaris, and XXX Ulpia.[8]

Numerous auxiliaries were sent from Egypt under

  1. Fronto's comparison (Princ. hist. [Loeb, II, pp. 207–11]) of the troops of Verus and of Trajan suggests that the condition of the latter's forces was at least fair. Veget. Epit. rei mil. i. 8 perhaps refers to the time of Verus rather than that of Trajan.
  2. CIL, III, No. 10336 = Dessau 1062.
  3. CIL, X, No. 5829 = Dessau 2726.
  4. CIL, VI, No. 1838 = Dessau 2727.
  5. CIL, X, No. 3733 = Dessau 2083; Yale University, Excavations at Dura-Europos, Sixth Season (New Haven, 1936), pp. 480–82.
  6. The location of the garrison post of this legion is very uncertain; see Longden, "Parthian Campaign of Trajan," JRS, XXI (1931), 8 and n. 4, and cf. PW, art. "Legio (XVI Flavia)."
  7. Arrian Parthica fr. 80 may refer to this legion.
  8. PW, art. "Legio"; Paribeni, Optimus princeps, II, 285 f.