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the command of Valerius Lollianus, prefect of the Cohors I Apamenorum sagittariorum equitata.[1]

Early in 114 Trajan advanced to Melitene, which he fortified and enlarged.[2] Parthamasiris wrote Trajan a letter couched in a lofty style, but without result. Another, in more humble terms, requested that Marcus Junius, governor of Cappadocia, be sent to him. Trajan did not halt in his advance but sent the son of Junius, then proceeded on to Arsamosata, which he took without a struggle.[3] When he arrived at Satala he was visited by a number of rulers from the Caucasus and the region about the Caspian Sea.

  1. CIL, III, No. 600 = Dessau 2724. This inscription is applied by some writers to the expedition of Verus. The auxiliaries included the following troops: Ala I Praetoria civium Romanorum; Ala Augusta(?) Syriaca; Ala Agrippiana, possibly the Ala II Flavia Agrippiana; Ala Herculiana, perhaps the Ala I Thracum Herculiana.

    Other alae engaged in the war, but not necessarily under Valerius, were the Singularium, probably the I Ulpia Singularium (CIL, III, No. 11995, and X, No. 6426), and the I Flavia Augusta Britannica milliaria bis torquata ob virtutem from Pannonia (Dipl. XXXIX of 114 [pub. in CIL, III, p. 1975] and CIL, III, No. 6748).

    The cohorts under Valerius were the I and IV Lucensium, II Ulpia equitata civium Romanorum, I Flavia civium Romanorum, I Thracum, II and III Ulpia Paphlagonum, II equitum(?), I Ascalonitanorum Felix, V Chalcidenorum, I and V Ulpia Petraeorum, I Ulpia sagittariorum, III Dacorum, and I Sygambrorum (CIL, III, No. 600 = Dessau 2724). Another, apparently not under Valerius, was the I Pannoniorum et Dalmatarum (CIL, X, No. 5829 = Dessau 2726).

  2. Procopius De aedificiis iii. 4. 15 ff.; cf. Tac. Ann. xv. 26 and Ruf. Fest. 15.
  3. Dio Cass. lxviii. 19. 2: μέχρι σαμωσατου; emendation suggested by von Gutschmid. Cf. Strack, Untersuch. zurrdm. Reichsprägung, I, 214 f., n. 923, who does not believe a change is necessary.