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to send Lucius Verus, the co-emperor, to take command of operations, and to supply him with the best generals Rome could produce: Avidius Cassius, Statius Priscus, and Martius Verus.

Accompanied by Marcus Aurelius as far as Capua,[1] Verus set out for Syria, where he arrived in 162. Not only were troops gathered from the oriental provinces, but three legions were brought from the Rhine and the Danube.[2] These were the I Minervia under M. Claudius Fronto,[3] the II Adiutrix, later under Q. Antistius Adventus,[4] and the V Macedonica under P. Martius Verus.[5] Parts or all of the following legions

  1. Capit. Verus 6. 7 and Marcus Antoninus 8. 10.
  2. On the campaign see E. Napp, De rebus imperatore M. Aurelio Antonino in Oriente gestis (Bonnae, 1879 [diss.]); C. Harold Dodd, "Chronology of the Eastern Campaigns of the Emperor Lucius Verus," Num. Chron., 4th ser., XI (1911), 209–67; A. von Premerstein, "Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Kaisers Marcus," Klio, XIII (1913), 87–92; and the bibliography cited by Jacoby, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, II D, pp. 628 f.
  3. CIL, VI, No. 1377 = Dessau 1098. Cf. also CIL, III, No. 1457 = Dessau 1097; CIL, XIII, No. 8213 (see Klio, XI [1911], 357 f.). Lucian Quomodo hist. 21 probably also refers to this Fronto.
  4. CIL, VIII, No. 18893, and Dessau 8977 show the transfer of Adventus to the Adiutrix in a.d. 164. In 162 he was legate of the VI Ferrata.
  5. CIL, III, No. 6189; CIL, III, No. 7505 = Dessau 2311. The legion served under M. Statius Priscus also. Of the oriental legions, the III Cyrenaica appears on an undated graffito from Dura-Europus which might belong to this time; see C. B. Welles in Bauer, Rostovtzeff, and Bellinger, The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Fourth Season, pp. 150 f., No. 294.