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Radio's flma2lng orowth Is opening hundreds of S50, $60. $75 and $100 a week Jobs every y«ar Cet one of these fine Jobs for yourself, BroadcastinET Stations, Comroerdal Land Stations. Manufacturers, Dealers. Job- l)ers. Ships, Ariation, Talking Movies aru continually needing well trained liadlo jnpn, I'll train you at home in your spare time to be a Radio Bxpert. My enlarged and improved course with 8 Outfits of Radio parts for practical Home Experiments make learoine at borne easy, fa&cinatizig. Mak« extra money while learning There Is need In every neighborhood for men who really know how to locate trou- bles In sets and repair them. I'll show you how to do the jobs and how to set them. Many N. B. I. men make $^00 to $1,000 In their spare time while learn- ing. Write for "Rich Rewards in Radio." It tells you about Radio's spare time and full time opportunities, my course and Lifetime Kraplovment Service. You won't obligate yourself. Do It NOW. 1. E. SMITH. President, Dept. Nit'l Radio Institute, Washington, N P3 D. C. 64-PAGE BOOK OF FACTS »/fS2 Co, Name Address City suit. Established 1902 New York Electrical Ask for free booklet S4*ll4l4ll 40 West 17th St., IV. Y. C. Beitin T©d«7 - Write for my FREK Bf)OK. I can come a Good Panman." It containti f^pecioirns «n<] teilD how othrrti mKet^red prnmrnnehip by the Tambirn Syetem. Yuur namewiil t>e eleRantly writ- ten on a card {f vuu vncluec stamp to pmy poetatre. Write today for book. F. W. TAMBLYN. 437 RIdae Bide. Kansas City, Mo., U. S. A. Wrestling Book FREE stllnr tuUKlit nt l."tin', by mail, hy preatest of wc)rlil'w i-hiimin-ins — Farnn r Bums and Frank Ki> a MonderfLiI athlete. Uandlc biKir*T. rihrer irn-n with ea-ie. Learn tht? secrcta of cx- 7.. Jii]-.}it>iii, I'hysii-al Culture, Hhv» perfect Ith.fame.anerft'ct body admired both -■ • ■. r f,,!i ,.i thrillinff infomiMi..,,. ^..-Tit . Telia 'I'lU' we teach expert UTfStlini? borne. S< iid 2c to rovi-r pddtatrtj. Wrile no to for vour copy. Stutr off*. FARMER BURNS SCHOOL 3399 Courtney Bids., Omaha. Neb. ELECTR I GAL ENGINEERING ' A CONCISE, conipreliensive course for men of ' llmlu-il time, tomplele in one year. Mathemat- ics, engineering drawing, shop-work. Stutloiits construrt motors. Install wirinc. test elertrical niucliincry. UullJlnys ilreproor. 38 years' suc- cessful experience. Catalog on rtMjUfst. Dl ICC ELECTRICAL SCHOOL 112 Takoma Ave., Washington, D, C. LESSON FREE / Yoti'II be snrprwed how easr to learn, how Intcr- C^linir i>rafttiiR Imw quu'klv yna ran art read/ for Wfl!-paid position;! w-tth Architpcta, Contrac- tors, OBd in bite manufacturinir plants. ^$40 to $7S a Week— and More! Wy euamnl.-i> to hcp you tind a DraftirtK pojij- tion- cjitisiactor>' tn yi.u in siilari'. «>ifn y< u lini.-'h this Iraininw or mon^v roTundcd. Amazmir offt-r riwlil now to t.ftn-p and fao- tory men, between 2i' and .Hfi years old. ApK for freo lesBonand Dntftinir book titday. AMERICAN SCHOOL, D«pt.O-948 Drexel Ave. & 58th St. CHICAGO J. E. Smitli. Pres.. National Radio Inttituta, Dept. IN P3 Washington. D. C Dear Mr. Smith: — Send me your free boolc. I under- stand tills rt'ouest dot's not obligate me and that no agent will calL


(Continued from pane 132)

divided like black and while. That is where our poor Swiss rooster comes in, which was burned at the slake for laying an egg. You see, in birds, a small part of the male sex glands is potentially female. Normally, this part is inactive. But in certain cases, it develops abnormally, and egg-laying may be the result. You remember I told you that scientists have created this condition artificially. They did this by removing most of the sex glands, leaving the potentially female portion. The secondary male sex characteristics of these birds disappeared almost entirely — the rooster, for example, lost its comb and tail feathers. That was to be expected. The wonderful feature is that, in their new female form, the birds remained fertile. In other words, these were complete sex reversals.

Mr. Mok: Is a human being also potentially two-sexed?

Dr. Ruckes: Only as an unborn baby. In the normal adult, only one sex is apparent. But, as I said, the dividing line is not as sharp as most of us think. There are many gradations between the 100 percent male and the 100 percent female. On the other hand, there are individuals, in the animal kingdom as well as among us, that are more than 100 percent male or female.

Mr. Mok : How is it possible to be more than 100 percent of anything?

Dr. Ruckes: By 100 "percent male or female is meant the complete, normal male or female. In some individuals, however, the sex hormones are so powerful that they intensify the male or female secondary sex characteristics. In such cases, among people, you get the "'real he-man" type and the soft, over-feminine, "clinging vine" type of woman.

Mr. Mok: .Are the sex hormones also responsible for youth fulness?

Dr. Ruckes: They are. What we call youthfulness or the vigor of youth — such things as physical prowess, activity, rapid rate of growth and repair of the body tissues, playfulness, and last but not least, the romantic tendencies of young people and their ability to have offspring — all are due to the activities of the sex hormones.

Mr. Mok: Docs this mean that old age is simply the result of a slowing-up of the sex glands?

Dr. Ruckes: Not entirely, but mostly. In part, it is also due to the accumulation in the cells of the body of toxic, or poisonous materials, or waste products. Since these cannot be removed, they interfere with the normal working of the cells, much as the accumulation of dirt or dust interferes with the operation of any engine. After a while, the engine stops. So do the body cells. This is death from old age. Now, this matter of old age, or senescence, has been carefully studied by a number of investigators, among them the late Dr. Jacques Loeb, former director of the Rockefeller Institute; Professor Gary X. Calkins, of Columbia University, and Dr. Lurande L. Woodruff, of Yale. They found that the lowest forms of creatures that have the sex method can rejuvenate themselves.

Mr. Mok: How?

Dr. Ruckes: During most of their lives, these creatures, as I told you last month, reproduce themselves by self-division. When they got old — that is to say, when the one cell of which they consist becomes clogged with waste materials — they get sluggish and, unless they mate, they die. Such mating docs not produce offspring in the ordinary sense.

Mr. Mok: What does it do?

Dr. Ruckes: It rejuvenates the worn-out cells. The strange

(Continued on pane 134)

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