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No previous experienoe needed. None too old or too young to learn. Start any time. WRITE TODAY! We'll send W? you the full story about Rail- M IK road Fare OfTer, Unlimited Em- AMMMtmi ploymert service, etc. New Book sen. BOOK Depc ITT- A , 4006 So. Figueroa Si . Lot Angeles, California Become an Elxpert Accountant The Profession that Pays I The demand for skilled accountants— wpn who i really know their business — is unceasinff. Bir cor- porations are m constant need of expert counsel in Auditing:. Cost Accounting, Business Law, Organi- zation, Management, Finance. Men who prove their qualifications in thia important branch of business are rapidly promoted to responsible executive posi- tions — given an opportunity to earn real salaries. Send for This Book^It'a Free Are voa ambitious to make a real success in basiness — to fit yourself for positions payinu $3.W0, $5,000. $10,000 a year and even better? Then you will (ind LaSalJo's 64-pa(te book. 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(Continued from page 133) part is that both the tiny creatures that mate are old and worn out, and that both are younK after mating. Mr. Mok : What of rejuvenation among people? Can it really be accomplished? Dr. Ruckes : Yes, indeed it can. Since old age in the higher animals, including man, is chiefly due to deficiency of the sex hor- mones which, you remember, produce the secondary se.x characteristics, including youth- fulncss, new youth, or rather vigor, can be instilled in two ways. Mr. Mok: What are they? DR. RUCKES: The first method involves transplantation of the sex glands from one animal to another, or from an animal to a person. You recall that the endocrine glands are interchangeable in all backboned crea- tures. The second method, which is used by the famous Dr. Voronoff, and Dr. Steinacli, is more intricate. It consists mainly in caus- ing the sex gland to rejuvenate itself. Mr. Mok: How is that done? Dr. Ruckes: The sex gland is prevented from fulfilling its primary function; namely, the elimination of sperm cells or egg cells. What happens then is this: The glands go on secreting these cells just the same, and the stored-up cells produce more of that part of the sex gland that secretes the hormones which, in turn, are responsible for the second- ary characteristics, including youth. Mr. Mok : As I understand it, the first method you described is what is known as a "monkey-gland" operation? Dr. Ruckes: Y'es, but it need not be the gland of a monkey. The glands of sheep and of other animals are also used. The reason it is called a "monkey-gland" operation is that the first experiment on a human being was performed with a monkey gland. Mr. Mok : Does it make any difference where the animal gland is inserted ? Dr. RrcKEs: Not necessarily. As I told you, the endocrine glands are ductless and their chemicals are absorbed by the blood- stream. For that reason, a transplanted gland makes its effect felt no matter into what part of the body it is grafted. Mr. Mok : Are these gland transplantations always successful? Dr. Ruckes : Here we get again into the field of medicine and surgery, and that is not my province. However, it is my impression that they are not always successful. MR. MOK: Have these operations been performed on both men and women? Dr. Ruckes: They have. In both cases, the result is a rejuvenated but sterile person. Now, somewhat similar effects may be pro- duced without resorting to surgery. Of late, sex hormones have been extracted, and they may be introduced into the system by injec- tion or other means. These hormones are not patent medicines, and cannot be obtained without a doctor's prescription. .s you know, numerous treatments pretending to restore vitality are constantly advertised. The vast majority of these arc quackeries. Mr. Mok : What influences do the endo- crincs exert on our emotional lives? Dr. Ruckes : I have told you about some of them, but the emotions are not really in my line. I would suggest that you ask a psychologist to tell you that story. TJ/^HY do we behave like human beinRs? r r What are the origins and mainsprings of our likes and dislikes, our desires and pas- sions! In the January Popul.r Science Monthly, Dr. A. T. Poffenherger, head of the Psychology Department in Columbia University, will take up these questions. His answers will give you the story of the emo- tions. On the news stands December i. A FLYING START ' TO SUCCESS WAV/AT/ON f With the Greatest Guide Book Ever Published THE AVIATION MANUAL This bo^ik will save months of time and hundreds of dollars by giving you a thorough ground training in Aviation. You need it whether you're going to be a pilot, mechanic, radio operator, salesman or executive. The Aviation Manual, with its 700 pages and 250 diagrams and illustrations, covers the whole held so expertly that it will always be a reliable reference b<x)k — even long after you've finished your preliminary work! LOOK AT THIS LIST OF 24 FULL CHAPTERS all by leading authorities All Covered in Fullest Detail Opi>ortunities in Aviation — The Business of Flying — License Requirements — Qualifications for Flying — Training To Be an Aviator — Your Background of Knowledge — Aviation Schools and Flying Clubs — -How to Get the Mtwt Out Of a Flying Course— Your First Outfit— Standard Airplanes. Seaplanes, and Amphib- ians — The Construction of Phines — Power Plants — The Manufacture of Engines — Instruments — Elemen- tary Airplane Design — Materials and Their Properties — WinRs and "Props" — Wind and Weather — How a Pilot Inspects His Plane — Learning to Fly — Advanced Flying — Laying an Air Course — Air Traffic — The Laws of Aviation. The Aviation Manual is edited by Lieut. Commander John W. Iseman. U. S. X. R. He has over 5.000 flying hours to his credit, and is now commanding officer of squadron VN*3rd of the U. $. Naval Reserve. Many of his former student officers are now holding important positions in the Aviation industry as pilots and executives. REGULAR PRICE $5.00— NOW ONLY $3.95 With Your Name lo Gold Ob The Front Cover Now yi>u may have tliis t>eautiiul Manual bound in expensive, flexible, fabrikoid. with full gold edges all around for only $3.95 C. (). D. And we will print your iutl name in Rold on the front cover. This is a special tempt>rary price which may be withdrawn shortly. We will refund your money if you return the lM>ok within ten days and say you are dissatisfied. Clip and mail the coupon to-day. Popular Science Publishing Co., 381 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Please send me a copy of the regular $5 edition of the Aviation Manual with full gold edges and my name in gold on the front cover. I am to pay the postman only $3.95 p!us a few cents postage when the Iwok arrives. This will pay in full for the Manual. If I am di.ssat- isfied I may return the book within ten days and you will refund my money. (11>3U Name- City.. ..State.. 134 POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY