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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 10.djvu/792

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"Cold Waves," Movements of 124
College Exploring Expeditions 249
Colorado, Insects and Flowers in 743
Combat with an Infective Atmosphere 641
Commercial Manias 371
Compressed-Air Locomotive. (Illustrated.) 473
"Conflict of Science and Religion," The So-called 72
Constancy of Motion 225
Cooke, Prof. J. P., Jr., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 491
Cooking-Utensils, Poisonous 252
Cooling the Air in Buildings 113
Copernican Theory, Evolution and the 236
Copyright, International 746
Crane, T. S., Ball-Paradox 725
Crookes, William, his Scientific Labors. (Portrait.) 739

Daly, Charles P., Geographical Research in 1876 553
Dana on Cephalization 632
Darwins, Carlyle and the 362
Dawson, J. W., The Conflict of Science and Religion 72
Deep-Sea Bottom Deposits 378
Deodorization of Petroleum-Products 251
Development, Difficulties of, as applied to Man 60
"Hypothesis, is it sufficient? 86
Diatoms, are they absorbed by Plants? 254
Disinfectant, Sulphurous Acid as a 762
Distance and Dimensions of the Sun. (Illustrated.) 402
Distribution of Plain, Prairie, and Forest 247
Draper, J. W., Science in America 313
Draper's Book at Rome 106

Earlier Forms of Life. (Illustrated.) 257
Early History of Fire. (Illustrated.) 17
"Man of North America 582
Earth, The, how it was regarded in Old Times. (Illustrated.) 542
"The, how it was explored in 1876 553
Eccentricity in Wood-Growth 379
Education, Bain on 620
"in Massachusetts 635
"Science 418
"Science 513
"Scientific, Prof. Martin on 368
Edward, Thomas, Sketch of. (Portrait.) 594
Edward, Thomas, his Biography 751
Electrical Phenomena of Dionæa muscipula 247
Electricity, Development of, by Light 510
"Effects of 121
Electric Light, its Economy 763
Elephant, Voice of the 766
Entomological Specimens, Preservation of 125
Eucalyptus as an Anti-Periodic 249
Evolution and the Copernican Theory 236