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to many who could not have secured it in its previous form. We are happy to note, further, that it has proved a very considerable success. Four editions have been called for in this country; the Germans are printing a translation in parts; it is discussed in French and Italian periodicals; and an English edition is in preparation. The work is everywhere looked upon as an important contribution to political economy, and as an eloquent and vigorous discussion of imminent social problems. It is a wholesome sign of the growing liberality of the times that a work should be so cordially received and highly appreciated, while at the same time there is general and decisive dissent from its main conclusions. It is read and enjoyed for its humane spirit and the novelty and independence of its views; but we do not observe that Mr. George makes disciples who endorse his leading and distinctive doctrines. It is, however, admitted that he has contributed to the elucidation of political economy by his adverse criticism of prevailing opinions on that subject; and it is certainly no small merit to have done something for the advancement of this inquiry, and the clearing up of important economical questions.

Medical Heresies historically considered. A Series of Critical Essays on the Origin and Evolution of Sectarian Medicine, embracing a Special Sketch and Review of Homœopathy, Past and Present. By Gonsalvo C. Smythe, A. M., M. D., Professor of the Practice of Medicine, Central College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indianapolis. Philadelphia: Presley Blakiston. Pp. 228. Price, $1.25.

It was not the author's object in this volume to write a history of medicine, but simply to sketch the rise and fall of the different schools, sects, or systems of medicine, from the earliest historical period down to some of the more prominent heresies of the present day. The author writes with brevity, and does not enter into the consideration of the contemporaneous systems of philosophy or theology with which medicine in former times has been strangely and inconsistently commingled. All topics are also avoided which are merely of interest to the medical antiquarian. The author says in his preface: "My second object is to furnish the regular profession with some much-needed information in regard to homœopathy. Few busy practitioners have the time or inclination to investigate the claims of this school, and, although they are brought in contact with it daily, know little or nothing of its real principles. I have presented the principles of this school fairly, quoting the exact words of its founders at the expense of some repetition, in order that I might not be accused of misrepresentation. The discussion of these principles has been conducted from a scientific standpoint, and without ridicule, thus showing of what homœopathy consisted originally; and by quotations from the current literature of the school, with discussions thereon, showing what it is now. It is confidently believed that the condensed information contained in this little book will not be altogether without interest to the profession."

Passages from the Prose Writings of Matthew Arnold. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 333. Price, $1.50.

Not only will the admirers of Matthew Arnold be gratified by this varied collection of his best utterances, but many, who are not familiar with or do not possess his works, will be glad of a representative volume like this, in which they can get some acquaintance with the thought of the eminent modern apostle of the gospel of "sweetness and light." The selections are systematic, being arranged under the heads of—I. Literature; II. Politics and Society; and III. Philosophy and Religion; and they have been collected with good judgment, and will prove very suggestive and gratifying to all cultivated readers.

The Journal of Physiology. Edited by Michael Foster, M. D., F. R. S., of Trinity College, Cambridge. Assisted in England by Drs. Gamgee, Rutherford, and Burdon-Sanderson; and in the United States by Drs. Bowditch, Martin, and Wood. New York: Macmillan & Co. No. 1, Vol. III.

We call renewed attention to this admirable periodical, the only one in English thoroughly devoted to original physiological research. The progress in the arts of physiological experimentation and the untiring assiduity of the laborers in this field are fruitful of important results which are