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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 18.djvu/582

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both of general interest as extensions of scientific knowledge and of special moment to all the well-qualified members of the medical profession. The publication deserves to be liberally sustained.

The Beautiful and the Sublime. An Analysis of these Emotions, and a Determination of the Objectivity of Beauty. By John Steinfort Kedney. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 214. Price, $1.25.

This is not a text-book on æsthetics, but an attempt to deal with the underlying philosophy of the subject. Physical science, metaphysics, and theology profess to be no more dealt with than is necessary for the author's logical purpose. His chief claims are on the psychologic and the ethic side, and there he thinks he has made additions to the treatment of the subject. He does not attempt to deal formally with art or art criticism, but holds that his views may be carried out in application to the several departments of architecture, sculpture, painting, music, literature, oratory, poetry, and histrionics. The author modestly says in his preface: "While my treatise is intended, primarily, as a contribution to the philosophy of the science, I have endeavored to cast it in such form and style as to interest all intelligent readers, who, if they are patient over some parts of the work, may find it, elsewhere, and on the whole, compensatory."

A New School Physiology. By Richard J. Dunglison, A. M., M. D. 119 Engravings. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates. Pp. 314. Price, $1.50.

This school-book has several things to commend it: it is neatly printed, it is elegantly illustrated, it carries an eminent name on its title-page as author, and is, consequently, we have no doubt, trustworthy in its statements; if, therefore, the publishers can not make a good thing out of it, it will be their fault. The drawback of the book is, that its author seems to know only physiology, while some knowledge of the growing mind is necessary to make a good book of science for educational purposes. It is a question-and-answer book "of the old type," to be learned by memory by young people. As this class embraces pupils of all grades, the book is suited to no special grade, and will be equally used to begin with, to continue with, and to finish with. This will be again favorable to its sale, but unfits it for intelligent educational use.

Diphtheria: Its Cause, Nature, and Treatment. By Rollin R. Gregg, M. D. Pp. 137. Price, $1.50.

On the title-page of this book is printed the following, which are probably fundamental propositions maintained in the volume: "Spherical Bacteria, or Micrococci of Diphtheria, shown to be only Molecular Granules of Fibrin. Rod-like Bacteria, Bacterian termo, shown to be Molecular Granules of Fibrin, united into Fibrils, or fine thread-like prolongations."

The book is one that it belongs to the medical profession to judge of.


Cases treated by the Lister Method. Reported to the Portland Clinical Society by Frederick H. Gerrish, M.D. Portland, 1880. Pp. 15.

The Anarchist. Socialistic-Revolutionary Review. Edited and publishd by Dr. Nathan Ganz. Boston, January, 1881. Monthly. Pp. 24. 60 cents a year.

Vennor's Almanac and Weather Record for 1880-'81. New York: American News Company. Pp. 84. 25 cents.

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. I. Nos. 11, 12, March, and No. 13, April. 1880. New York: Published for the Academy.

The Constitution of the Tartrates of Antimony. By Professor F. W. Clarke and Helena Stallo. Reprint from "American Chemical Journal." Pp. 13.

Reports of the Iowa Weather Service for the Twelve Months of 1878. and January, February, March, and April, 1879. By Dr. Gustavus Hinrichs. Des Moines, 1880.

Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Edited by George Grove, D. C. L. Part XII, Palestrina to Plain Song. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. 1880. Issued in quarterly parts, at $1.

Report on the Culture of the Sugar-Beet and the Manufacture of Sugar therefrom in France and the United States. By William McMurtrie, Ph. D. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1880. With Maps. Pp. 294.

A Treatise on the Injurious and Beneficial Insects found on the Orange-Trees of Florida. By William H. Ashmead. Jacksonville, Fla. 1880. Illustrated. Pp. 78.

The Food of Fishes. By S. A. Forbes. Reprint from Bulletin No. 3. Illustrated. State Laboratory of Natural History. Pp. 60.

On the Present Condition of Musical Pitch in Boston and Vicinity. By Charles R. Cross and William T. Miller. Reprint from the "American Journal of Otology," October, 1880. Pp. 16.

The Coming Revelation: Its Principles. St. Louis, 1878. Pp. 40.