Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 19.djvu/888

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"Text-Book of Experimental Organic Chemistry" (Jones) 710
"The Botanical Collector's Hand-Book" (Bailey) 710
"The Sun" (Young) 852
"Chinese Immigration in its Social and Economical Aspects" (Seward) 853
"Discovery of Paleolithic Flint Implements in Upper Egypt" (Haynes) 855
"A Memorial of Joseph Henry" 855
"Anniversary Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History" 856
"Indigestion, Biliousness, and Gout in its Protean Aspects." Part I. (Milner) 857
"Ranthorpe" (Lewes) 857
"Sewer-Gas and its Dangers" (Brown) 858
"The Wilderness-Cure" (Cook) 858
"A Text-Book of Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene" (Scovell) 858
Bryant, Charles S 635
Buchanan, J. G. 59
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm, Sketch of 550

Campos, Life and Nature in the 133
Cattle-Raising in South America 835
Cave-Temples, The, of India 713
Cemeteries, Are, unhealthy? 657
Chesapeake Zoölogical Laboratory 276
Cleve, M. J. 830
Climate and Health 567
Cohn, Professor Herman 54
Color-Blindness 91
Color-Blindness, and Education of the Color-Sense 567
Color-Blindness, Hereditary 423
Colored Men in China 843
Color in Flowers, Conditions of 717
Color-Sense, The, among Uncivilized Peoples 138
Colton, G. H. 554
Comets, About 790
Cope, E. D., Sketch of 110
Copper-Mines, Ancient, of Isle Royale 601
Correspondence 554
Correspondence 697
Correspondence 843
Couty, M. 835
"Craters," Lunar 713
Cremation, Progress of 277
Cynicism, opposed to Progress 78

Darwin, Charles, F. R. S. 663
Deaf, The Horace Mann School for the 84
Death, The Phenomena of 394
Deep-Sea Investigation 59
Degeneration 218
Degeneration 382
Digestive Agent, A Vegetable 574
Diphtheria, Origin of 284
Diseases and the Weather 275
Disinfectant, A New 138