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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 44.djvu/884

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Birds' Eggs, Protection of. (Misc.) 713
"Judgments of Men. Cunisset-Carnot 110
Birds, Tamability of. (Corr.) P. F. Schofield 409
"Distribution of. (Misc.) 858
"Blue Laws," The, a Myth. (Corr.) O. E. Davis 842
Books noticed 126
Books noticed 270
Books noticed 413
Books noticed 555
Books noticed 701
Books noticed 847
Abbe, Cleveland. The Mechanics of the Earth's Atmosphere 134
American Association for the Study and Cure of Inebriety. The Disease of Inebriety from Alcohol, Opium, and other Narcotic Drugs 130
Arnold, Matthew. Sohrab and Rustum 562
Arnold. First and Second Latin Book and Practical Grammar 708
Practical Introduction to Latin Prose Composition 708
Bailey, M. A. American Mental Arithmetic 135
Bandelier, A. F. The Gilded Man and other Pictures of the Spanish Occupancy of America 417
Bastian, Ad. Ideale Welten in Wort und Bild 704
Bishop, Cortlandt F. History of Elections in the United States 420
Boland, Mary A. A Handbook of Invalid Cooking 128
Bolton, H. Carrington. A Select Bibliography of Chemistry 419
Book of the Fair, The 708
Brinton, Daniel G. The Pursuit of Happiness 132
Brown, Marshall. Bulls and Blunders 854
Browne, A. J. Jukes. Geology 271
Burnham, Lieutenant W. P. Three Roads to a Commission in the United States Army 135
Campbell, H. J., M. D. Text-book of Elementary Biology 706
Church, A. J. Stories from the Greek Comedians 418
Clark, John. Manual of Linguistics 854
Clerk, Agnes M. A Popular History of Astronomy in the Nineteenth Century 560
Cleveland, The Duchess of. The True Story of Caspar Hauser, from Official Documents 563
Conklin, Benjamin G. Practical Lessons in Language 134
Cooke, C. J. Bowen. British Locomotives 706
Coppée, Henry. General Thomas 702
Corroyer, Edouard. Gothic Architecture 415
Cox, Frank P. Continuous-current Dynamos and Motors 702
Crooke, Joseph Henry. The New Bible and its New Uses 850
Dawson, Miles M. Elements of Life Insurance 854
Dodel, Arnold. Moses or Darwin? 274
Duffy, Terence. From Darkness to Light 419
Dunscomb, S. Whitney, Jr. Bankruptcy 133
Ebers, Georg. The Story of My Life from Childhood to Manhood 556
Ecob, Helen Gilbert. The Well-dressed Woman 564
Edwords, Clarence C. Camp Fires of a Naturalist 560
Eiloart, Arnold. A Guide to Stereochemistry 274
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. The American Scholar 562
Everett, Charles Carroll. The Gospel of Paul 708
Bianchi, A. G. Romance of a Born Criminal 555
Ewald, C. A. The Diseases of the Stomach 132
Foreman Pattern-maker, A. The Principles of Fitting 563
Foster, M. A Test-book of Physiology, Book I 850
Gadd, W. Lawrence. Soap Manufacture 131
Geikie, Archibald. Text-book of Geology 558
Gilman, Nicholas Paine. Socialism and the American Spirit 560
Gorton, David Allyn. The Monism of Man 854
Gould, George M., M. D. The Meaning and the Method of Life 559
Greene, C. A., M. D. Build Well: the Basis of Individual, Home, and National Elevation 557
Greene, Francis Vinton. General Greene 271
Guerber, H. A. Myths of Greece and Rome 852
Harkness, James, and Frank Morley. Treatise on the Theory of Functions 564
Harper, William R., and Clarence F. Castle. Exercises in Greek Prose Composition 563
—Inductive Greek Primer 708
—and F. J. Miller, editors. Æneid and Bucolics of Vergil 709
—and James Wallace, editors. Xenophon's Anabasis 709
Hayes, M. Horace. The Points of the Horse 417
Heinzen, Karl. The Rights of Women and the Sexual Relations 275