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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 45.djvu/889

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Hudson, Thomson Jay. The Law of Psychic Phenomena 562
Hudson, William Henry. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer 843
Huxley, Thomas H. Science and Hebrew Tradition 845
—Science and Christian Tradition 847
lies, George. A Class in Geometry 274
Industries of Russia, The 706
Iowa Geological Survey. First Annual Report 279
Iowa State University. Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History, vol. ii 566
Jackman, Wilbur S. Number Work in Nature Study 131
Johns Hopkins University. Studies from the Biological Laboratory. Vol. V, No. 4 849
Journal of Morphology 708
Journal of Physiology 413
Journal of Social Science 566
Julien, Alexis A. Notes of Research on the New York Obelisk 708
Kemp, J. P. Gabbros on the Western Shore of Lake Champlain 850
Ore Deposits at Franklin Furnace and Ogdensburg, N. J. 850
Kidd, Benjamin. Social Evolution 557
King, John H. Man an Organic Community 415
Kinney, Abbot. The Conquest of Death 846
Kirkpatrick, Mrs. T. J. The Peerless Cook Book 711
Klein, Felix. Lectures on Mathematics 423
Kroeh, Charles F. The Living Method for learning how to Think in German 711
Langmaid, J., and H. Gainsford. Elementary Lessons in Steam Machinery and the Marine Steam Engine 846
Locey, William A. The Derivation of the Pineal Eye 565
Lockyer, J. Norman. The Dawn of Astronomy 705
Louis, Henry. A Handbook of Gold Milling 706
Macfarlane, Alexander. The Principles of Elliptic and Hyperbolic Analysis 850
McKinley, William, Speeches and Addresses 128
Macy, Jesse. First Lessons in Civil Government 277
Marcotte, Charles. Governments and Politicians, Ancient and Modern 132
Marshall, Henry Rutgers. Pain, Pleasure, and Æsthetics 562
Means, James. The Problem of Manflight 565
Michigan State Board of Health. Eighteenth Annual Report, 1890 564
Middleton, G. A. T. Surveying and Surveying Instruments 422
Minerva. Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt 563
Monroe, Will S. The Educational Labors of Henry Barnard 568
Mott, Henry A. The Yachts and Yachts-men of America, vol. i 703
Muir, M. M. Pattison. The Alchemical Essence and the Chemical Element 414
Müller, Max. Science of Thought 566
Muskett, Philip E. The Art of Living in Australia 851
Naturæ Novitates 709
New Jersey Agricultural College Experiment Station. Report of the Botanical Department for 1892 566
New Jersey, Geological Survey of. Annual Report for 1892 131
New Occasions 567
New York Academy of Sciences. Annals, vol. vii 848
—Transactions, vol. xii 134
New York Agricultural Experiment Station. Report of the Board of Control for 1892 563
New York State Library. Bulletin, Legislation 565
Orndorff, W. R. Laboratory Manual 709
Pater, Walter. Plato and Platonism 132
Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology. Report 709
Phin, John. Common-sense Currency 851
Pressinger, W. P. The Widening Use of Compressed Air 848
Preston, Thomas. The Theory of Heat 847
Psychological Review, The 276
Rafter, George W., and M. N. Baker. Sewage Disposal in the United States 705
Rand, Silas Tertius. Legends of the Micmacs 417
Raymond, George Lansing. Art in Theory 418
Rein, W. Outlines of Pedagogics 128
Remsen, Daniel S. Primary Elections 851
Ribot, Th. The Diseases of Personality 851
—The Psychology of Attention 851
Rio de Janeiro, Museo Nacional do. Archivos 708
Ritchie, David G. Darwin and Hegel, with other Philosophical Studies 421
Romanes, G. J. An Examination of Weismannism 418
Rousseau, Jean Jacques. The Social Contract 710
Ryder, John A. Dynamical Evolution 848
Sanford, Henry R. The Limited Speller 567
Scudder, Samuel H. Insects from Florissant, Col. 852
Seavy, Manson. Practical Business Book-keeping by Double Entry 423
Smith, Hugh M. Fishes of the Northern Coast of New Jersey 848
—Fyke-net Fisheries of the United States 848