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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 48.djvu/958

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Webster, D. First Bunker Hill Oration 278
Webster's Academic Dictionary 851
White, Horace. Money and Banking, illustrated by American History 419
White's Outline Studies in the History of the United States 710
Wiley, H. W. Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis 712
Wilson, Edmund B., and Edward Learning. Atlas of the Fertilization and Karyo kinesis of the Ovum 422
Winter, Noel. Pan-Gnosticism 711
Winterburn, Mrs. Florence Hull. Nursery Ethics 706
Wright, Mabel Osgood. Birdcraft 130
Young, Charles A. The Sun 562

Borderland of Nonsense, The. (Table) 266
Botanical Garden, The, of Buitenzorg, Java.* A. Tissandier 335
Brandicourt, V. Insects' Eggs* 256
Brigham, Albert Perry. The New Geography 815
Brinton, Daniel G. The Aims of Anthropology 59
Brooks, W. K. The Study of Inheritance 480
Brooks, W. K. The Study of Inheritance 617
Burr, George L. Sketch of Andrew Dickson White. (With Portrait) 546

Cannibal Islands, Among the. L. G. Weld 229
Carmichael, James. Sir John Lubbock and the Religion of Savages 220
Cartaz, A. Quacks and the Reason of them* 821
Champlin, John Denison. Prehistoric Engineering at Lake Copais* 209
Childhood, Studies of. James Sully. XII. Under Law 105
XIII. Under Law (concluded) 166
XIV. The Child as Artist 381
Cigar-Case Bearer. (Frag.) 860
City Government. (Frag.) 286
"Lots, Agriculture on. (Frag.) 282
Color Nomenclature. (Frag.) 427
Consumption considered as a Contagious Disease. A. L. Benedict, M. D. 33
Copais, Lake, Prehistoric Engineering at.* J. D. Champlin 209
Correction, A. (Frag.) 857
Crime, Alcohol and, (Corr.) G. Pyburn 697
"The Stamping out of. M. Oppenheim 527
Crops, Improvement of. (Frag.) 138
Culbertson, Glenn. Imitative Habits of the Blue Jay. (Corr.) 121

Davenport Academy of Sciences. (Frag.) 427
Dewey, Stoddard. Health Experiments in the French Army 204
Dirt-eating. (Frag.) 859
Disease, Nature's Defenses against. (Frag.) 136
Dybowski, J. The Story of a Monkey* 637

Eaton, Virgil G. A Natural Paper Mill 278
Education, The Ecclesiastical View of. (Table) 557
"A Modern Liberal. (Table) 841
Educational Values in the Elementary School. M. V. O'Shea 675
Electric Furnace, The, in Chemistry. H. Moissan 417
Electrical Effects of Spray. (Frag.) 573
Electricity, The Velocity of.* G. Le Clear 687
Ellis, A. B. Evolution in Folklore 93