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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 48.djvu/959

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Emmons, Ebenezer, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 406
Engineering as an Exact Science. (Frag.) 572
"The Sciences Auxiliary to. (Frag.) 573
Epidemic, The Cost of an. (Frag.) 716
Epileptics, A Colony for. (Frag.) 718
Evans, E. P. Recent Recrudescence of Superstition 73
Evolution, Lord Salisbury on. H. Spencer 564
Examinations. (Frag.) 571
Exercise as a Remedy. H. L. Taylor 626

Face-reading. (Frag.) 429
Farrer, Edward. Miracles in French Canada 234
Feigning, The, of Death. (Frag.) 142
Fernald, Frederik A. Natural Features of Venezuela* 510
Fish-bait Farms. (Frag.) 428
Fisher, Sydney G. Has Immigration increased Population? 244
"The Drift of Population in France. (Corr.) 412
Fog-horn Signals, Audibility of. (Frag.) 286
Folklore, Evolution in. A. B. Ellis 93
Foods, Vegetable, The Value of. (Corr.) C. A. Hoppin 265
Forest Protection in the United States. (Frag.) 140
Frankincense Country, In the. (Frag.) 716
French Institute, The Hundredth Anniversary of the. (Table) 560
Fruit Trees, Tropical.* B. F. Herrick 751

Geography, The New. A. P. Brigham 815
Geological Society in America. (Frag.) 141
"Teaching, A Device for. (Frag.) 426
Germ Filter, The Nose as a. (Frag.) 856
Glacial Man, New Evidence of, in Ohio.* G. F. Wright 157
Glaciation in High Latitudes. (Frag.) 714
Gold, The Past and Future of. C. S. Ashley 39
Gorman, J. T. Origin of the Term Agnostic. (Corr.) 121
Guiana, The Coming of the Rains in. J. Rodway 652

Habits, Imitative, of the Blue Jay. (Corr.) W. A. Howard, M. D. 121
""""G. Culbertson 121
Health Experiments in the French Army. S. Dewey 204
Heilprin, Angelo. A Student's Recollections of Huxley 326
Helium, its Identification and Properties. C. A. Young 339
Herrick, Bertha F. Tropical Fruit Trees* 751
Hilgard, E. W. Steppes, Deserts, and Alkali Lands* 602
Holder, C. F, The Ancient Islanders of California* 658
Hoppe-Seyler, Death of. (Frag.) 718
Hopnin, C. A. The Value of Vegetable Foods. (Corr.) 265
Howard, W. A., M. D. Imitative Habits of the Blue Jay. (Corr.) 121
Huxley, A Student's Recollections of. A. Heilprin 326
Hypnotic States, Trance, and Ecstasy. W. R. Newbold 804

Ice Saws for Opening Navigation. (Frag.) 715
Imitation among Atoms and Organisms, E. Noble 492