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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 50.djvu/890

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Ayres, Alfred. The Verbalist 132
Bailey, L. H. The Nursery Book 565
—The Survival of the Unlike 708
Bardeen, C. W. Common School Law 279
Bedell, Frederick. The Principles of the Transformer 563
Bell, Alexander Melville. English Visible Speech in Twelve Lessons 564
Bendire, Charles. Life Histories of North American Birds 416
Berger, F. French Method 277
Binet, A. Alterations of Personality 849
Bolles, A. 8. Elements of Commercial Law 852
Bonney, T. G. Ice Work, Present and Past 128
Brinton, Daniel G. Myths of the New World 561
Britten, Nathaniel Lord, and Addison Brown. An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States and Canada 414
Brögger, W. C., and N. Rolfsen. Fridtiof Nansen 847
Brown, Montague. Artistic and Scientific Taxidermy and Modeling 277
Cairns's Manual of Quantitative Chemical Analysis 853
Cambridge Natural History, Vol. II 710
Clarke, William H. Cheerful Philosophy for Thoughtful Invalids 565
Cochrane, Robert, editor. The Romance of Industry and Invention 564
Commissioner of Labor. Tenth Annual Report 562
Compayré, Gabriel. The Intellectual and Moral Development of the Child 414
Dana, Mrs. W. S. Plants and their Children 851
Dresser, Horatio W. The Perfect Whole 710
Du Bois, H. The Magnetic Circuit in Theory and Practice 853
Effects, The, of Erosion 564
Famham, A. W. The Oswego Method of Teaching Geography 279
Fischer, P. D. Betrachtungen eines in Deutschland reisenden Deutschen 277
Francke, Kuno. Social Forces in German Literature 415
Frye, A. E. The Home and School Atlas 279
Gattermann, Ludwig. Practical Methods of Organic Chemistry 418
Gerdtzen, G. A. The Problem of Economical Heat, Light, and Power Supply 132
Gerhard, William Paul. Theater Fires and Panics 558
Goode, George Brown, and Tarleton H. Bean. Oceanic Ichthyology 562
Gordon, George B., and others. Prehistoric Ruins of Copan. Honduras 563
Hamilton, A. Report on the Coinage 710
Halleck, Reuben P. Psychology and Psychic Culture 275
Halleck, Reuben P. The Education of the Central Nervous System 850
Harley, Lewis R. Three Typical Educational Systems 563
Haskell, Ellen M. Child Observations 417
Heilprin, Angelo. The Earth and its Story 561
Herbart's A B C of Sense-Perception 273
Hertwig, Oscar. The Biological Problem of To-day 561
Hertwig, R. General Principles of Zoölogy 709
Hertz, Heinrich. Miscellaneous Papers 131
Hinsdale, B. A. Teaching the Language-Arts 129
Hirsch, William. Genius and Degeneration 557
Hogan, Louise E. How to Feed Children 415
Holden, E. S. Mountain Observatories in America and Europe 851
Howell, W. H., and others. American Text-book of Physiology 850
Hunting 707
Hypnotic Magazine, The 564
Illinois State Entomologist, Nineteenth Annual Report 130
Indiana Academy of Sciences, Proceedings 418
Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources. Twentieth Annual Report 131
Iowa Geological Survey. Report. Vol. V 132
Jackman, W. S. Nature Study 416
Johonnot, James. Principles and Practice of Teaching 709
Jordan, David Starr. The Care and Culture of Men 276
—and B. W. Evermann. Fishes of North and Middle America 852
Journal of Physical Chemistry 853
Kansas Academy of Science. Transactions, 1893-'94 562
Lassar-Cohn. Chemistry in Daily Life 560
Lecky, William E. H. Democracy and Liberty 274
Leidy, Joseph. Fossil Vertebrates from the Alachua Clays of Florida 133
Lewis, H. E. Philosophy of Sex 853
Lubbock, John. The Scenery of Switzerland 273
Martin, Edward A. The Story of a Piece of Coal 276
Martin, H. Newell. The Human Body 708
Mathews, F. Schuyler. Familiar Trees and their Leaves 272
Matthews, William. Nugæ Litterariæ 709
May, E. S. Guns and Cavalry 278
McMaster, John Bach. With the Fathers 277
McPherson, Logan G. The Monetary and Banking Problem 418
Meyers, William J. An Inductive Manual of the Straight Line and the Circle 416