Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 55.djvu/896

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Sausages, Chemistry of. (Frag.) 285
Schmidt, Oscar. Sketch. (With Portrait) 693
Schoenhof, J. Colonial Expansion and Foreign Trade 62
Science and the Boston Public Library. (Table) 412
"and the Ideal. (Table) 266
"Teachers' School of. F. Zirngiebel* 451
"Teachers' School of. F. Zirngiebel* 640
Scientific Method and its Application to the Bible. Rev. D. Sprague 289
""and the Bible. (Corr.) 701
Serfdom to Freedom. E. Bicknell 84
Shakespeare, Botany of. T. H. MacBride 219
Sloyd as an Educational Factor. (Frag.) 717
Smith, J. R. Philippine Islands and American Capital 186
Sociology: Charity, Abuse of Public 155
"Depopulation of France, Remedies for the 672
"Drink Evil, Recent Legislation against. A. Morgan 438
"Drink Evil, Recent Legislation against. A. Morgan 610
"Help that Harms, The. H. C. Potter 721
"Negro Question, The. J. L. M. Curry 177
"Philanthropy, Practical. H. A. Townsend 534
"Present Position of. F. S. Baldwin 811
"Public Charity and Private Vigilance. F. H. Giddings 433
"Race Problem in the United States. B. Washington 317
"Race Troubles, Our. (Table) 414
"Reform of Public Charity. B. S. Coler 750
Spencer, Herbert, at Seventy-nine. (Portrait) 542
Sprague, Rev. D. Scientific Method and its Application to the Bible 289

Taxation, Best Methods of. Part II D. A. Wells 524
Taxation, Best Methods of. Part II D. A. Wells 778
Teachers' School of Science. F. Zirngiebel* 451
Teachers' School of Science. F. Zirngiebel* 640
Teaching the Teachers. (Frag.) 138
Theology: Troubles of Orthodoxy. (Table) 704
Thorndike, E. Do Animals Reason?* 480
Thrasher, M. B. Tuskegee Institute and its President* 592
Tortoise Shell. (Frag.) 283
Townsend, H. A. Practical Philanthropy 534
Travel: Klondike, Alaska and the. A Heilprin* 1
Travel: Klondike, Alaska and the. A Heilprin* 163
Travel: Klondike, Alaska and the. A Heilprin* 300
Tuskegee Institute and its President. M. B. Thrasher* 592

Universities, Thoughts about. W. K. Brooks 348

"Vague Impression of Beauty, A." (Frag.) 860
Vaughan, V. C. Are we in Danger from the Plague? 577

Walcott, C. D. The United States National Museum 491
Washington, B. T. The Race Problem in the United States 317
Weather, Influence of the, on Crime. E. G. Dexter 653
Weeds under Cultivation. (Frag.) 139
Wells, D. A. Best Methods of Taxation. Part II 524
Wells, D. A. Best Methods of Taxation. Part II 778
West Indies, Physical Geography of. F. L. Oswald* (continued) 47
West Indies, Physical Geography of. F. L. Oswald* (continued) 193
Wheat Lands of Canada. S. C. D. Roper 766
"Question. A Correction. (Corr.) 702