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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 6.djvu/792

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Growth of Deer's Antlers 251
Gunpowder, Manufacture and Conveyance of 717

Haeckel, Prof., Sketch of. (Portrait) 108
Heat as a Disinfectant 381
Hermit of Red-coats' Green. (Illustrated) 301
Horse, Paces of the. (Illustrated) 129
Horses, Fossil 125
House-heating in Sweden 254
How Leaves are blanched by Sunlight 124
How the Amœba takes its Food 758
How the Fuegians keep warm 125
Huber, Sketch of. (Portrait) 486
Human Automaton 253
Human Locomotion. (Illustrated) 48
Hydraulics of Rivers 236
Hydrophobia, Some Superstitions on 174

Illuminating Gas, New Source of 377
Incentives in Education 748
Insect-catching Plants 766
Insects and Flowers 636
Insects, Suctorial, how they feed 255
Intercollegiate Spouting-Match 622

Language, Teaching of 322
Language, Teaching of 470
Life, Matter and 110
Lightning among a Flock of Geese 378
Literature of Evolution 745
Locomotion, Human. (Illustrated) 48
Lovering's Address 197
Lovering's Address 308

Magnetism and Imagination 762
Man in Europe, First Traces of 672
Man, how changed by Migration 765
Manufacture and Conveyance of Gunpowder 717
Marey on Animal Movements. (Illustrated) 444
Matter and Life 110
Maudsley, Dr. Henry, Sketch of. (Portrait) 612
Medicine, Siamese 378
Mental Aspects of Ordinary Disease 562
Mental Culture, Physiological Basis of 183
Mental Picturing in Science 620
Metric System of Weights and Measures 255
Milk, Voelcker on 759
Mineral-collecting 112
Moa, Fossil Remains of 379
Moas, Living 765
Mound-Builders 380

Nature, Order of 764
Natural History of the Oyster. (Illustrated) 1
Natural History of the Oyster. (Illustrated) 157
Nest and Eggs of Thistle-Bird 743
Nests of Birds 481
Newcomb, Prof., on American Science 238
Notes 126
Notes 255
Notes 382
Notes 512
Notes 639
Notes 766

Observations on the Transit 509
Observatories, English 530
Odors and Life 142