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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 6.djvu/791

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Concerning Bears. (Illustrated) 281
Confessions of a Reformed Smoker 76
Conflict, The Great 227
"of Religion and Science 361
Contagious Ophthalmia 377
Correctness of Photographs 710
Corrosion of Glass 253
Cotton-worm, Habits of the 757
Cremation among North American Indians 254
Crystalline and Molecular Forces 257
Curious Winter Climate 511

Darwin and Haeckel 592
Disease, Causes of 761
Disease, Ordinary, its Mental Aspects 562
Drought and Potato-Disease 126

Early Study of Geography 212
Earth's Rotation, Retardation of the 743
Eclipse of April, 1875 744
Educated to Death 57
Education and Invention 637
Education, Modern, A Demand of 635
"Science of 381
"Incentives in 748
Eggs, Decomposition of 375
Electrical Girl 588
Elongation of Trunks of Trees 511
Emotions, The, in Primitive Man 331
Equation, The Personal (Illustrated) 385
Evolution, Herbert Spencer and 20
"Social 604
"its Causes 616
Evolution in Ornament. (Illustrated) 266
Evolution, Literature of 745
Experiments on Living Brain 376

Facial Anomalies 73
Fallacies, Alleged, in Science 499
First Traces of Man in Europe 672
Floating of Solid in Molten Iron 633
Flowers and Insects 636
Fog-Signaling. (Illustrated) 541
Fog-Signaling. (Illustrated) 685
Food of the Bongos 766
Fort, A Primitive 380
Fossil Horses 125
Fossil Remains of the Moa 379
Fraunhofer, Dr. Joseph, Sketch of. (Portrait) 739
Fuegians, how they keep warm 125
Furs, Artificial 378
Future of Chemistry 276

Genesis of Superstitions 513
Geography, Early Study of 212
Germination, Changes during 758
"Temperature of 637
Glacial Epoch and Insects 379
"Period, Climate of 374
Glass, Corrosion of 253
Great Conflict, The 227