Robert Fulton, by Benjamin West. Fulton as a youth went to Europe to study art. West was his teacher. This portrait of Fulton is said to represent West's best style.
Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission.
Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission.
of New York are presented as they will be on this occasion, and given a brilliant and attractive setting, it will be found, that no exposition ever organized on this continent has offered a greater variety of interest. To apply the standard of monetary value may seem a trifle vulgar when we are treating of the triumphs of art in all its forms, and yet this standard merely expresses the worth of antiquities and artistic creations in a more exact way than by using superlatives of speech. A reasonable estimate of the value of the attractions that our city offers to its visitors would be rather in excess of $2,000,000,000 than below that figure, and