Popular Science Monthly
��Small Electric Pump for Draining Seepage from a Cellar
HOUSEHOLDERS living on low ground are continually troubled with water seeping into the cellar. The condition is seldom easily remedied, for not even concrete floors and walls are successful in stopping the water's in- roads. For cellars so afflicted a new electric seepage pump is proving highly effective. The idea is to make a tank- like hole in one corner of the cellar into which the water can seep in preference to working its way up through the con- crete of the floor.
The motor used with this device has a vertical shaft, and is located on the cellar floor. The shaft is connected with a centrifugal pump under water in the hole beneath. The contrivance is en- tirely automatic in operation. A float sets the motor going when water has collected to a certain height and shuts off the current when a sufficient amount has been pumped out. The hole, being at a much lower point than the sur- rounding cellar floor, serves as a Mecca for all the ground-water beneath, leaving the floor dry and sanitary.
Pumping Up His Interest in Your Wares
I'^HERE is no business man who can withstand a working model. With this fact as a basis for a sales campaign,
����Many a sale is made by arousing the grown-up boy's interest in a mechanical toy, getting him to watch how it works
��The motor has a vertical shaft connected with a centrifugal pump under the water in the hole beneath the floor
��mp company has turned out cral models of their gasoline tanks for use by their salesmen.
This picture Illustrates a salesman demonstra- ting a pump to a pros- I)ect. The tank is filled with water, and by oper- ating a lever the water is pumped out and a complete demonstration made.
The usual plan of re- lying on arguments to convince the prospect does not compare in re- sults with the model.
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