��Popular Science Monihly
��Playing Ball with a Revolving Fan as a Target
ANEW game has been invented which makes it cxtremeh- (iifficuit for an I'xporiencod hall-thrower to disj^Iay his ability. Inched, huk \ies eciiially with marksmanship in running up a score. For instance, the player throws a ball at the target, which is made up of paddles or fingers held yieldingly in cither active or inacti\'e position. If the ball passes through and does not touch the paddles it rolls genth- down the alley and into one of the high-score openings, generally one on the outsiile. On the othi-r hand, if the ball hits the paddles it is deilected against the wire cage with such force that it rolls with considerable speed down the alley and thus into one of the low-score openings. Howev'er, there is nothing to prewnt a [joor shot from scoring high, which means that the in- experienced ball-thrower has an equal chance with the experienced. A no\el feature of the device is that the score is constantly before the eyes and that the balls are returned to the thrower as fast as they are thrown. Of course, a person who can throw a ball with considerable force has a better chance of running up a high score than the pjcrson who cannot tiirow hard. The ball has to be thrown
rather than
tossed at the revolving fan, to make a score.
��Where the Linen Collar Started and Who Started It
TH1-: wife of a Troy, X. ^'., Ijlack- smith is said to ha\e been the first pt-rson to have made separate collars for men's shirts. This hajipened in 1X25 and men have been suffering e\'er since. Outside of inventing the separate collar this woman did the family washing.
Accordingly she set herself to work making separate collars for her husband's shirts and then made enough to sell outside the home. This innoxation attracted the attention of the Re\-. I-^benezer Brown, a retired Methodist minister, and he, with the aid of the women of his famil>-, went about selling collars. This was in 1829.
All the work on these earh- cellars was done by hand, for the sewing machine had not yet been invented. In those days not more than a dozen collars a day were sold. Their name — "string collars" — was especially ai)propriate, for they were tied around the neck with a string of tape attached to each end of the collar. Except the bands, the first separate collars were generally all linen and of two thicknes.ses, although some were faced with cotton cloth. They were slightly stiffened and had higli points extending alio\e the chin on either side.
The sewing machine was introduced nto the collar industry in 1852, and steam power was first used in 1855.
���The target is a fan composed of paddles and the object of the game is to throw a ball through the openings between them while the fan is revolving, without toudiing them
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