Popular Science Motithli/
��Filing and setting a saw correctly requires considerable practise; it is there- forea good idea to obtain an old or cheap saw on which to practise before attempt- ing to sharpen the good one. A saw for llii-- |)iir|iii-.i' (.111 l)i_' |)iin;ha^ctl for ten
���Fig. 6. A well arranged cabinet to hold all the necessary tools for hand wood-working
or fifteen cents in any store that handles cheap tools. The saw to lie filed and set is first placed in the saw-vise, which may be two pieces of hardwood held in the vise, or a vise made especially for the purpose. The teeth should project about ^4 in. abo\'e the top of the vise. "Joint" the saw f)y running a flat file o\er the points of the teeth from end to end, bringing all the teeth to the same level. Then "set" or bend every alter- nate tooth to one side, turn the saw antl repeat this operation, following the original set of the saw. When this is done the saw is ready to be filed. Use a triangular file for both the cross-cut and the rip-saw. In filing fhe cross-cut saw, the file should be held at an angle toward the point of the saw sufficient to give the tooth a knife-like cutting edge. First file the alternate t(>eth, set away from the worker, filing with the set. When each tooth has been brought to a point, reverse the saw and file the remainder in the same manner.
The rip-saw is jointi'd in the same wa\' as the cross-cut, but all thi' filing is done on the back of the teeth, and the file held al right angles lo (he line of ihc teeth and the blade, l-'ile wilh the sci. When this operation is finislud, iiib iln' sides of the teeth lightly wiili liu- oil- stone to remove wire edges.
��Auger-bits may be sharpened by filing the nibs and cutting lips with a bit-file. This must be done carefully in order that the bit may cut evenly.
Rul) all tools with a piece of oily waste occasionalK', to pre\-ent them from rusting.
.A cabinet in which to keep the tools can be easily made. A \'ery well ar- ranged one is shown in Fig. 6. The joints can be fastened with screws to simplify construction.
��To Make a Combined Drawing Table and Stand
A DRAWING board which when not in use may be set to a lower |)osition and used as a stand will be found useful in ]:)laces where the need for such a board is too infrequent to warrant the expense of a drawing table. The size of the board will depend on the drawings to be made. For ordinary use, 24 in. by 36 in. will be sufficient. Cleats of wood are screwed to the lower surface of the board about t, in. in from its ends. The screws should pass upward through
���The drawing board, which is easily ad- justable, forms a top for the table
ilu I leats and enter tlu' boanl. Holes 1 in. deep are bored into the cleats to countersink the screw-heads. The cleats are made of stock 2 in. square.
The legs of the stand are about jH in.
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