Popular Science Monthly
��long and arc also made of the 2-in. square stock. The common ral)i)i't joint may he used for the front and side rails of the stand and the side rails are then nailed to the front and back rails with finishing nails. The rabbet joint may also be used for making the drawer. The legs are screwed to the rails as shown. Four slotted bars are used for supporting the drawing board above the stand. Each bar is made of two strips
1 in. by ^ in. The front bars are i6 in. and the -back bars, E4 in. long. Select two strips which are to constitute one bar and place small blocks of wood
2 in. long between them at their ends and nail the strips together.
Screws pass through the bars about I in. from their upper ends and enter the cleats, thus supporting the drawing board.
When changing the adjustment of the drawing board, it is best to raise or lower one side, say the front or the back, at a time. Since the drawing board is supported at four points, it provides a more solid working surface than the usual t>pe of boards supported at the center only. — C. H. Patterson.
��A Spanish Windlass Made from Two Broomsticks
ROBIXSON CRUSOE had a hard time of it moving his big canoe down to the water, but if he had known of the Spanish windlass his task would have been much easier. This windlass is used by lumbermen for pulling with ropes, the only apparatus needed being two stout sticks.
Two broom-sticks are strong enough to pull to the limit of the strength of a large rope. One end of the rope being tied to the boat, log, or other object to be moved, and the other end being made fast to something stationary, one of the sticks is held upright against the rope, with one end resting firmly on the ground.
The first stick should be held by the left hand on the near side of the rope. The other stick, held in the right hand, is next thrust down on the far side of the rope, and brought against the near side of the first stick. By pulling and bearing downward it is brought to the position shown in Fig. i. By continuing to swing
��the second stick, it is an easy matter to wind the rope on the first stick, as shown in Fig. 2.
The first stick, which serves as the windlass, will move toward the station- ary object half as fast as the movable
���Manner of using two broomsticks as a windlass for hauling objects with a rope
object at the other end of the rope, and must be held approximately upright, so that the two parts of the rope will wind as closely together as may be. If these are not allowed to run apart, the tilting strain on the windlass will be comparatively slight.
of course two can work the device much more easily than one, but one alone can do very effective work with it. The object cannot be moved any great distance at one operation, but if you unwind the rope after the windlass is wound full and take up the slack and repeat the operation, the probable dis- tance which it can be mov'ed becomes unliniittd. — K. R. Thortox.
��How to Protect the Surface of an Enameled Road- Sign
THE use of enameled road-signs has become very pojiular, but although the>' are \-ery attractive when in perfect con<lilion they are anything but thing? of beauty when the enamel has begun tc? chip. There is a remedy for this evil, which will efTectually protect the signs from serious injury from stones or other objects. Drill holes at the back of the sign, at the top and bottom. .Attach supporting brackets for holding a thin wire mesh o\er the face. This will not interfere in the least with the reading of the sign. — C. U. Tiioma-.
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