The Handiest Barn Ever Built
Hay, grain and water are all stored in the center
��The bam consists of two cylindrical cement walls, one within the other
Ar5ARN, built like a fort, with the feed- ing-hoppers and watering -troughs grouped together around the center of the building, has lieen patented by Peter O. Swedberg, of
Marshalltown, Iowa. The barn is con- structed of cement blocks. It consists in the main of two cylindrical walls, one within the other.
Within the inner or central barn cham- ber are kept the troughs and feed-hoppers, together with chutes leading to them from chambers in the upper part of the barn.
No time is wasted in traveling from one end of the barn to the other to feed the cattle: for hay, grain and water are all at hand in the central portion of the barn. Here also arc located the troughs and hoppers in front of the stanchions radiating from the central chamber.
��The building measures forty feet in diameter with a sixteen-foot feed- room in the center. The outside wall is eleven feet high. The wall of the in- side chamber or feed-room is twenty A five-foot water tank is
��feet high
pro\idcd at the top.
One of the principal time and labor- saving features is an elevated track or run\va>- which extends around the interior of the barn. On the track is mounted a carriage which supports a receptacle for transporting material from one side of the building to the other.
Provision has been made for heating the interior by a stove. A pipe runs from the left of the center space up through the conical roof. Near the stove is a spout from which fine food or grain is supplied. When hot water is needed for mash it is readily available.
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